Robocalls: your new rights

Robocalls are hard to stop. Despite the Do Not Call registry, the robocalls keep coming because they are cheap to set up and easy to disconnect once the spotlight hits.

And now robot callers can closely mimic human tones and responses. Many of us don’t like to rudely hang up on a real person, so we engage.

But there’s hope. The FCC issued new rules last fall designed to make sure you get only the calls you actually want. But they are getting a lot of pushback from industry. Tell them you want the right to stop the robocalls!

Tell the FCC to enforce your new robocall rights!

New rules from the FCC will put you in better control over who can call you, on both your landline and your wireless device.

Among your new rights:

• A telemarketer will have to get your written consent to receive a call or message. You can give your OK for them to call through paper or electronic means — web forms, a telephone keypress, or email.

• Robocalls to your home landline are no longer allowed based solely on an ‘established business relationship’ with you. Simply buying a product, or contacvting a business with a question, no longer gives them permission to call you.

• Telemarketers who call will now have to let you immediately opt out of receiving additional calls through an automated menu.


This post is taken from Consumer reports

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